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The development platform for the IoT
Development tasks: The platform is designed for networking based on the standards 6LoWPAN, IEEE 802.15.4, or proprietary interface.

On the debugging platform are the sensors: temperature, humidity, light and atmospheric pressure, as well as the ability to connect their expansion cards.

Thanks to ultra-low power consumption, the Bee lets you create devices with autonomous power, in its arsenal there is an intelligent power management controller with a solar battery charger.

  • TI CC1310 Low Power Sub-1 GHz Wireless MCU
  • RF path, built-in and external antennas
  • Ultra low power consumption
  • Size 35х27 mm

Thanks to ultra-low power consumption, the Bee lets you create devices with autonomous power, in its arsenal there is an intelligent power management controller with a solar battery charger.
Platform Bee-333 was appreciated by representatives of Würth Elektronik company. We have released a demo kit, that is currently on display at the Würth seminars, devoted to energy harvesting systems around the world.

Booklet is available here.

Design documentation set
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